Friday, September 18, 2009

Welcome to LAOS, one the the I have ever seen!
After a 2 hours flight from Bangkok in a very "funny" airplane, I have landed in Luang Pradang, a green small town on the river Mekong. My friend Isa made me a surpirse and she came to pick me up with a local motorbike and we get directly to the guesthouse to leave our packbacks and start the new adventure.
This place is so peaceful and tiny that you know everyone at the second turn and you really feel comfortable and like home. Local people just smile at you, they help you and they are very devoted to their country and their religion.
That's why this morning we were awake at 6am to see the procession of the monks (everyone dressed up in the famous orange and saffron dress): all local people just set down to await the arrival of monks to give them their offer which is basically a portion of sticky rice, some sweets or a bar of chocolate. This is what every monk eats during the day. One hour later, everyone go back to his reality... the monks go back to the temple to prey and to eat the offers, the kids go to school and the women go to cook.
LAOS is a very beautiful country when the time just pass by very slowly and in a complete peaceful which we are enjoying in every single moment and the people that we are meeting are all adventurer packpackers form all over the World.
An experience that I would recommend to everyone!
Tomorrow we will leave for a 2 days trekking, sleeping and living with local peoople in a little village on the mountains. Let's try this too!!!
Bye bye till the next!

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