Thursday, September 17, 2009


There we are.. landed in Bangkok since a couple of hours, a rush with a pre-paid taxi to the WildOrchid Guest House (fantastic place, thanks to Sonia and Albert!!), a shower and... OUT!!!
Bangkok is a very nice Asian city, expecially when you walk a bit stoned from the jet lag in its narrow streets, full of peoples, vendors, little places where to eat whatever you wanna eat, from fruit to noodle to rice to fish to... ??? What's that animal???? :)
I am delighted to syat here, to feel sooo good, so free but also so comfortable walkind alone in a mini-skirt and with no problem at all... man, we are in the 21st Century or what???? :)
Now I am connected with my super mini computer, having a beer, some noodles (actually I do not know if this is dinner or breakfast for me... it doesn't really matter!!) and waiting to have a massage before goingo to bed and a have finally a comfortable sleep in a proper bed!!!
Tomorrow morning wake up very early to go back to airport: destination LAOS, where I will meet my friend Isa S. for a 10 days travelling together during her holydays.
Stay tooned...

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