Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Vibrating HANOI

If you wanna be brave.... or mad... just do like me and wake up at 06:30am to out running in Hanoi around the pond close to the old district.
A very good experience, because I thought to be the only one there, but in fact it was very crowded all around. Men training with weight in open air, old women practicing stretching or following a weird aerobic class without music, someone running with very curious outfits or just people jogging in their pijamas!!!!!!
That was amazing… a city that never sleeps, at any time you can find crowds doing something, even in the early morning they are so active! Well, then they just eat and sleep everywhere, but they are funny in a way…

Then I took a tour to visit the Perfume Pagoda… which I definitively do not recommend as it takes almost 2 hours to get at 70km north of Hanoi by bus and it is nothing special at all. But the funniest thing has been the trip to get to the cable-cars by river, in those tiny boats that were rowed by little old women with their skinny arms and their big hats.

Unfortunately it was raining a bit, but I enjoyed the scenery around and the company of my Serbian friend Yelena and Drasgo which I met yesterday visiting the old prison.

We spent the rest of the late afternoon just chilling out in a local place in the street, having few beers in one the most characteristic corners of the old district and spending less than 1 Euro for 7 beers… believe me… less than 1E!!

I cannot say why, but this city is really fascinating me… even if you have to really take care of your belongings and be careful if you don’t wanna be stolen… but like every big city in the World. So… open your eyes and watch out and you will spend a fantastic time over here, where tourists from different countries are mixed all together to enjoy their staying in the capital.

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