Sunday, September 27, 2009


Finally has arrived the time to leave this beautiful country. The time spent here has been great and I have experienced different nice things and explored an unknown population which is honest and peaceful and always smiling (or eating!!!).

Some of the things that I remeber the most:

The procession of the monks at 6am to get their food of the day
Trekking for almost 7h a day on the mountains, with fantastic views and sleep in a typical house without electricity nor hot water
Seen so many different Buda in a variety of positions
Drive a local little scooter in the dusty roads of the countryside (damn!!)
Se the training of the snake-boats preparing for an important race
The fabulous mix of colors between blu sky and green grass, all surrounded by magnificent mountains
Experience the fantastic different types of massages (one a day.. believe me!)
Having a sauna in a woden cabaƱa in the middle of a forest (that was sooo unreal!!!)
Local food is amazing and even if the place doesn’t look that good, you will be surprised by the taste and the cleaness (but no more sticky rice please...)
Local prices are so low that sometimes you cannot even believe it!

A little bit of sad in this last moments here, remembering all the thing that I have done and all the people that I have met during this first days here in Asia, but happy to know the time that I have still in front of me and the great experiences that again are waited to be lived!


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