Monday, January 11, 2010


GREAT BARRIER REEF, the 7th wonder of the World

The Great Barrier Reef is the only “lively” thing that could be seen from the space, is longer than the Great Wall of China and is the 7th Wonder of the World… If you do not believe in these things, you’d better checked them out!

I have taken a sailing boat of 52 feet with just 11 people on board and - apart from the
thunderstorm during all the night and the 3 meters high waves - it has been an amazing experience that I definitively recommend.

It takes about 3 hours and ½ to get out ot the Reef from Cairns and we were snorkeling in different spots such as the 360 and the Lagoon, if you have ever seen one of those postcards with the dark blue Ocean and suddenly some light blue and green spots.. There you go, you are on a reef!

The ecosystem is extremely fragile and that’s why tourism is controlled and everyone has to pay a 20AUS $ tax. The Reef was proclaimed a national park in 1979 and is now center of interest of scientists, tourists, divers and enthusiasts.

There is a wonderland down there: corals of every single shape and color, huge big claims that open and close while you are passing over them, big fishes of all the imaginable colors and dimensions …and Nemo!!!!
While there, take care to stick the to rules that allow this magic underwater world to survive and just enjoy your private space, the feeling to be alone in the big ocean, the silence and the magician of all this wild wonderland.

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