Thursday, December 17, 2009

SYDNEY...the best city in the World???

Is there any other place in the World better than Sydney?

I've had the great chance to stay in a friend’s house (wonderful…by the way…a penthouse just on Homebush Bay…) and I was taking the ferry to get to the city center… So the first thing that I have seen of Sydney has been the famous bridge and the magnificent Opera House… this is unreal!

Everything is SO organized, everywhere is SO clean, everyone is SO nice and helpful, you cannot even stop somewhere to look at the map of the city that suddenly an “Aussy” come to you to ask if you need any help! Isn’t that lovely?

For me it has been love at first sight… I wouldn’t mind living in Sydney… really!
The sky is always blue and the temperature is warm and dry with on average 30º in summer time which in the Southern hemisphere has just started!

Every single area of the city has got something magic, in between modern and old style, with always something fascinating to be discovered in each single corner of the streets. Either if you walk in Oxford Street or in George Street, you feel like a little kid enjoying a new toy…

The little bars and the antique houses of my favourite area - Paddington - is very special during the happy-hour time which starts around 5pm, when the elegant workers end their day at the office and go out for a drink.
And than Newtown, Kings Cross, Woolloomooloo, Balmain... each area with a proper vibe, a proper WHY to stay there and enjoy your free time... after a long long day walking around is so nice to sit down and have a glass of fresh good white wine!

Moving by ferry around the river, you can reach the different surroundings of Sydney, with very posh areas and beautiful villas or very nice beaches such as Manly Beach, Watson Bay or Double Bay, just 40 minutes from the city center but with a very good vibe.

And then, at just 20 minutes by bus there is one of the best spots of Sydney… the very famous Bondi beach… where everyone is good looking, with amazing sculptured bodies and very handsome boys and girls just hanging out on the beach or drinking some bears on the grass just behind the beach and waiting for the right wave to surf.
And at night, everywhere is like a golden party… girls wearing luxuries dresses and very high heels ready to start their night or even their lunch.. But always with the right conjunction… make up + dress + high heels… this is a pass partout!

The view of the main harbor changes completely during the night, with an explosion of lights that illuminate the bay and the water, always with the magnificent overview of the illuminated Opera House and the Sydney Bridge.. With that nice breeze that keeps the bodies and souls chill all night long.

So, after having experienced Sydney and having falling in love with city at the very first sight… what’s up next????

I'm excited to discover it! :)

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