Wednesday, October 28, 2009

where the views never stop....

You can even decide to look ahead, to look behind, to look left or to look right... but for sure you will always find something special to look at...

New Zealand is an amazing country, the landscape is so special that I cannot stop taking pictures and my eyes are just turning around to catch as much view as I can. I want all of this to stay inside me forever! Pictures are not enough to describe to all of you the sensations that I am feeling.

Maybe FREEDOM is one fo them... such big spaces, the peacefull of the little and cute villages around the Tasmanian Sea or the Pacific Ocean... the sky is so blue, the land is so green and the clouds are so white like cotton candies that everything seems unreal!
And everything without smoking joints... :)

I am driving a very old SW car all over and I haave just gone back from the northern point of the island, where the Tasmanian Sea meets the Pacific Ocean, this is a very good feeling! The wind was blowing very strong, but the space was so fresh and open that you could even fly!

I still have so many places to see that I could not be surprised by the supremacy of this beauty.. therei is stil a lot to do, a lot of kilometres so cut down, a lot of people to meet and talk with, a lot of hostels where to sleep in ... but most of all I am really looking forward to all of that!

... and Jack Johson is playing his music right now...

See you soon!

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