Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cambodia & Angkor Wat, the 8th wonder of the World...


You’d better have to see Angkor once in your life, the 8th Wonder of the World and of course one of my top three “place to see before I die” wish list…

The best timing to visit Angkor Wat, the main temple, is at sunrise, when you can really enjoy the magnificent of the light at that early hour in the morning when you are almost sleeping standing and waiting the sun to come out …
And when the God Sun rises high in the sky, you can really enjoy in peace and silence the view of that history piece and shooting picture to capture every single moment and every single movement out there.

Thanks to a child around the area, I had the chance to stand right in the front of a little pond, from where the view is even more spectacular and fantastic thanks to the reflection in the water.

Isn’t it fantastic? I really had the chance to see a super sunrise with that light soooo magic…. And of course I thank to have seen one of my dream come true!!

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