Tuesday, October 6, 2009


One of the things that locals recommend while travelling in Vietnam, is foor sure a trekking in Sapa, a lovely village on the Fansipane mountains - more than 3.000m and the highest of Vietnam.
I had the chance to go there with a group of 5 Spanish people and 2 Serbian I was travelling with and we had one of the best experience ever...
We took the night train from Hanoi to Lao Cai and from there 2h bus to Sapa and @ 6:00 we were already at the hotel ready to start the trekking... wow!!! So, the best thing of Sapa is that it looks like a cute village of Tirol, but it is full of minority people form the H'Mong tribu - most of them little skinny women selling their local clothes tinted with indigo blue plants - and they are very nice and helpful when walking on the mountain, as it becomes very slippery and they are like your "human sticks" for not falling down in the mud!!!
The first day we have been walking up and down in the mud and under the rain for almost 7h... and we took a rest and spent the night in a very rudimental local homestay with a local family, sleeping among any kind of little spiders and animals... but it has been a good fun to learn how to cook Vietnamese food.
The second day, as we were very tired and it has been raining a lot, we took a shorter way to get back to the main village and we had a good lunch up the puntain before going back to a good hotel to take a shower... take a rest ... and have a nice dinner in a local restaurant.
I would really recommend this trip if you are travelling in the North of Vietnam, because the view and the peaceful is absolutely amazing...
GOOD THING: I have finally thrown away my 13 years old backpack and bought a brand new one... I was kindd of sad, but I am sure that it has been a great experience also for it as I left it in the train on our way back to Hanoi!!! :)
make sure to book the trip with a good agency as we did in Hanoi, there are plenty of it but make sure to stay one night by a local family if you wanna have a very original experience!!

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