Wednesday, October 28, 2009

where the views never stop....

You can even decide to look ahead, to look behind, to look left or to look right... but for sure you will always find something special to look at...

New Zealand is an amazing country, the landscape is so special that I cannot stop taking pictures and my eyes are just turning around to catch as much view as I can. I want all of this to stay inside me forever! Pictures are not enough to describe to all of you the sensations that I am feeling.

Maybe FREEDOM is one fo them... such big spaces, the peacefull of the little and cute villages around the Tasmanian Sea or the Pacific Ocean... the sky is so blue, the land is so green and the clouds are so white like cotton candies that everything seems unreal!
And everything without smoking joints... :)

I am driving a very old SW car all over and I haave just gone back from the northern point of the island, where the Tasmanian Sea meets the Pacific Ocean, this is a very good feeling! The wind was blowing very strong, but the space was so fresh and open that you could even fly!

I still have so many places to see that I could not be surprised by the supremacy of this beauty.. therei is stil a lot to do, a lot of kilometres so cut down, a lot of people to meet and talk with, a lot of hostels where to sleep in ... but most of all I am really looking forward to all of that!

... and Jack Johson is playing his music right now...

See you soon!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

One day....

ONE day in my life I had a dream..
ONE day I said I would have gone to New Zealand...and finally..
THAT day has come...
 Fondos de Escritorio · Categorias Fondo · Paisajes   New Zealand - Auckland
Last night I have landed in Auckland - the biggest city of the North Island of New Zealand, with 1,5 million people and considering that in the rest of the country there are the other 2,5 million of the total population... versus over 4 million sheeps!!! Beeeeeehhhhh!!!!

Anyway, after a 9 hours flight from Bangkok, connection in Melbourne, wating 6h the next flight and another more than 3h to get to Auckland, it has been worthy enough to arrive in one of the most beautiful city of the World.

It is full of lights during the nights with its huge skyscrapers but in the old area you can still found lovely tiny shops, bars, cafés when you just sit down and chat with everyone, as the locals are very friendly and they always helpp you out.

If you need a rest, you can just choose in which of the so many different parks and green areas around the city to lye down and relax with a book or wathcing at the guys playing crickett.

And you'll be surprised by the magnificent harbour expecially at sunset, looking at the ocean and the light that easily turns off around 8pm while you are drinking a glass of cold white wine.

Need to find out a negative spot? The freezing wind that always blows at evening and night, so you'd better put something warm in your backpack.. not like me that I was coming from 3 months in South Asia with just shorts, tanks and bikinis!!! :)

Of course, being know as the most exciting city of the south emisphere, no one can miss a sail on the New Zealand America's Cup racing boat, a bungy jumping from the Sky Tower or the bridge crossing... sooooo ammazing!

What are you waiting for? Your next holyday destination is here waiting for you to come!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Cambodia & Angkor Wat, the 8th wonder of the World...


You’d better have to see Angkor once in your life, the 8th Wonder of the World and of course one of my top three “place to see before I die” wish list…

The best timing to visit Angkor Wat, the main temple, is at sunrise, when you can really enjoy the magnificent of the light at that early hour in the morning when you are almost sleeping standing and waiting the sun to come out …
And when the God Sun rises high in the sky, you can really enjoy in peace and silence the view of that history piece and shooting picture to capture every single moment and every single movement out there.

Thanks to a child around the area, I had the chance to stand right in the front of a little pond, from where the view is even more spectacular and fantastic thanks to the reflection in the water.

Isn’t it fantastic? I really had the chance to see a super sunrise with that light soooo magic…. And of course I thank to have seen one of my dream come true!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


….and also the time to say the last GOOD MORNING VIETNAM has arrived…

I have spent a fantastic time exploring this beautiful country, tasting the fantastic food, drinking the local Saigon beer, spending their local Dong like a millionaire, doing trekking in mountains at the North, sailing in Halong Bay… sleeping by local houses and visiting poor villages with smiling people, sleeping in overnight trains to reach the South, running at sunrise
everywhere, flying to the vibrating Ho Chi Minh and by boat crossing the Mekong Delta.

It is hard to say what I liked most! I have met so many different people and saw so many different places that making a top list would be hard, but for sure I will always remember the friendship of the Vietnamese, their smiles and their intense brown eyes and black shiny hair.

Ho Chi Minh city is a vibrating city full of traffic, motor bikes and light all night long, where you spend your night with other travelers in a local bar by the street just talking and drinking beers and shots of rice wine and laughing while commenting all the people that come to you trying to sell every kind of stuff…
Mekong Delta is one of the best experience ever, you do have to jump on a boat and visit the local and original floating market full pf colors and life and under a burning sun only at 7 in the morning… or visiting a fisherman village or a local rice industry. The life in the Mekong is so fantastic is its poorness that I couldn’t stop taking pictures to people, kids having a bath in that brown water, to the houses made of ….nothing… but they always seem very happy!

Only thing to do… no rush, no stress, enjoy their patience and length of services and bad English, and for sure you will have a fantastic experience and a lots good remembers and a thousands of pictures as me!

Friday, October 9, 2009

HOI AN: the jewel of South Vietnam

If you think that a typhoon can be very bad and that could probably ruin your life ... you'd better come to this quite place to understand something about life.

I arrived yesterday to HOI AN, a lovely little town on the South coast of Vietnam, protected by UNESCO and you can easily understand why, just walking in the narrow streets of the Old District.

You can breath history, see wonderful and ancient temples, old houses full of stories... but you can also see the disaster that the typhoon of last week has left and all the marks of mud and dust that are still very alive all around the city and especially around the river area. Among all of this, the shocking thing is that all locals have worked days and nights to clean everything and they keep smiling even if their business have been fucked up by the flood!

As the sun is very hot down here, you can rent a bycicle (or a moto if you are lazy!!) and ride for 5km before getting to the faboulous beach, white sand and full of plam trees like in the Carribean... and with very warm water! Incredible relax after the ride and after the sightseeing!

For sure you will be captured by one of the tailors showing their hand made suites and dresses and shorts and typical asian dresses with so many different materials and silks and colours... but with a very cheap price (and I am talking about around €10 for a dress!!) you can really full your packpack of new clothes to bring back home or with hand made sandals made of leather.

Then, nothing better than a typical Vietnamese dinner by the river... there are a lot of places where to try local specialties apart from the loved noodles and rice... :) and you can also choose like to me to stay in a very typical one open air with just few wooden tables and used sticks! But the taste has been one the best I have ever tried here!

So... if you will ever decide to come to visit Vietnam, do not skip this beatiful little town!

You will be sad to leave... like I am!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


One of the things that locals recommend while travelling in Vietnam, is foor sure a trekking in Sapa, a lovely village on the Fansipane mountains - more than 3.000m and the highest of Vietnam.
I had the chance to go there with a group of 5 Spanish people and 2 Serbian I was travelling with and we had one of the best experience ever...
We took the night train from Hanoi to Lao Cai and from there 2h bus to Sapa and @ 6:00 we were already at the hotel ready to start the trekking... wow!!! So, the best thing of Sapa is that it looks like a cute village of Tirol, but it is full of minority people form the H'Mong tribu - most of them little skinny women selling their local clothes tinted with indigo blue plants - and they are very nice and helpful when walking on the mountain, as it becomes very slippery and they are like your "human sticks" for not falling down in the mud!!!
The first day we have been walking up and down in the mud and under the rain for almost 7h... and we took a rest and spent the night in a very rudimental local homestay with a local family, sleeping among any kind of little spiders and animals... but it has been a good fun to learn how to cook Vietnamese food.
The second day, as we were very tired and it has been raining a lot, we took a shorter way to get back to the main village and we had a good lunch up the puntain before going back to a good hotel to take a shower... take a rest ... and have a nice dinner in a local restaurant.
I would really recommend this trip if you are travelling in the North of Vietnam, because the view and the peaceful is absolutely amazing...
GOOD THING: I have finally thrown away my 13 years old backpack and bought a brand new one... I was kindd of sad, but I am sure that it has been a great experience also for it as I left it in the train on our way back to Hanoi!!! :)
make sure to book the trip with a good agency as we did in Hanoi, there are plenty of it but make sure to stay one night by a local family if you wanna have a very original experience!!