Thursday, August 27, 2009

INDONESIA on the rock...

This is what I have learned during my trip in Indonesia: to patiently look at the life, take all the best and live it in the best way you can.
Indonesia people are such an amazing population that you allways have something to learn: they are peaceful, honored, smiling, helping... everything closed into little skinny tan bodies with huge dark brown eyes. Wow, I am soooo astonished from this experience that now I am even more looking forward to leave for my round thee World trip.
BALI is such an amazing place, the paradise for surfers but also a paradise forr those who want to experience something totally different from real life, when those surfers are awake at 6am just to catch the right wave and the right wind... and you don't know anything about that but you just catch your rented board and go out on that amazing big ocean! Sooooo exticing!!!
And then just relaxing, looking at the blue sky, looking at the ocean, looking at those amazing sunsets always with the great local Bintang beer in your hands... brrrr... so cold!
I would hardly recommend to visit this beautiful country, also because you will feel always very safe there and it is sooo cheap with Euro that there are a lot of people living there since months or also ages, just doing absolutely NOTHING... well, better say just chilling out !!!
Isn't it amazing?

This seems to be a great introduction to my Round the World trip... coming soon!
I am having a stop over in Barcelona now, than I will fly to Milan, Madrid and... on September 16th finally LONDON-BANGKOK to start mi first step in South-East Asia.

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