Monday, February 8, 2010

AUSTRALIA... The BIG Continent

Should I “slip, slop and slap”???

This is Australia, mate!
A different World, different people, different expressions…
But just one word to describe it: AMAZING!

The World’s largest island and smallest continent - 25 times the size of the UK, but with just 22 million people leaving! The majority of the population (about the 40%) leave between Sydney and Melbourne and the rest within the south-east side of the continent.

Aboriginal where the first in living in Australia, but they have been literally kicked out to their natural environment when Cook first discovered the island in 1770.

There are three different time zones in Australia, so you’d better checked it out and change your time if you don’t want to loose your flight or miss your bus, as many people do!

“Aussy” are very laid-back people, easy going and always “no worries, mate!” attitude, They are blond, good-looking, surfers, cricket players, heavy drinkers… but most of all they are always ready to help you.

Don’t expect a white Christmas in Sydney or Melbourne. You’d better put your bikini on and spend the X’Mas Day having a bbq on the beach, while surfing or sunbathing after few beers with your friends. Officially, summer starts in December and Winter in June. But in Northern Australia there is a tropical climate which is very hot, rainy and extremely humid. Prepare to SWEAT here!!

The sun is a powerful beast in Australia and made ever worst by the ozone layer. To avoid the skin cancer, remember to always “slip, slop and slap”, literally slip on a t-shirt, slop on some sunscreen and slap on a hat!

Australia is a crazy continent and if you want some adrenaline, you just have to choose what you want do and where. You can either jump out an airplane for the first skydive of your life (from almost 14,000 feet!!), bungy jumping from a bridge,
kayaking in a dangerous river, or at least just choose the perfect day to catch your best wave while surfing.

And do not forget to open your eyes widely to see the koalas sleeping on a tree or some big kangaroos jumping around all together, or simply watching the different bats and birds on the trees or just the thousands of sheep.

There is so much to do here, so many places to visit, so many people to meet and so many kilometers to cover, that you’d better prepare your backpack, jump on a plane and let your unique and unforgettable experience begin… it will be the best trip of your life!

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