Monday, February 8, 2010

AUSTRALIA... The BIG Continent

Should I “slip, slop and slap”???

This is Australia, mate!
A different World, different people, different expressions…
But just one word to describe it: AMAZING!

The World’s largest island and smallest continent - 25 times the size of the UK, but with just 22 million people leaving! The majority of the population (about the 40%) leave between Sydney and Melbourne and the rest within the south-east side of the continent.

Aboriginal where the first in living in Australia, but they have been literally kicked out to their natural environment when Cook first discovered the island in 1770.

There are three different time zones in Australia, so you’d better checked it out and change your time if you don’t want to loose your flight or miss your bus, as many people do!

“Aussy” are very laid-back people, easy going and always “no worries, mate!” attitude, They are blond, good-looking, surfers, cricket players, heavy drinkers… but most of all they are always ready to help you.

Don’t expect a white Christmas in Sydney or Melbourne. You’d better put your bikini on and spend the X’Mas Day having a bbq on the beach, while surfing or sunbathing after few beers with your friends. Officially, summer starts in December and Winter in June. But in Northern Australia there is a tropical climate which is very hot, rainy and extremely humid. Prepare to SWEAT here!!

The sun is a powerful beast in Australia and made ever worst by the ozone layer. To avoid the skin cancer, remember to always “slip, slop and slap”, literally slip on a t-shirt, slop on some sunscreen and slap on a hat!

Australia is a crazy continent and if you want some adrenaline, you just have to choose what you want do and where. You can either jump out an airplane for the first skydive of your life (from almost 14,000 feet!!), bungy jumping from a bridge,
kayaking in a dangerous river, or at least just choose the perfect day to catch your best wave while surfing.

And do not forget to open your eyes widely to see the koalas sleeping on a tree or some big kangaroos jumping around all together, or simply watching the different bats and birds on the trees or just the thousands of sheep.

There is so much to do here, so many places to visit, so many people to meet and so many kilometers to cover, that you’d better prepare your backpack, jump on a plane and let your unique and unforgettable experience begin… it will be the best trip of your life!

Monday, January 25, 2010


So, where do I start to talk about this amazing part of the forgiven West Australia?
Of course with Perth, the most isolated city in the World… it is @ 5h flight from Brisbane,
means right on the other side of the continent.

Apart from the +40º in January and a very dry weather, the sky is always astonished clear blue with such breathtaking sunrises that you would never leave this place. Either going North or South, you will find an amazing nature with

One of my favorite places of Australia certainly is Margaret River, especially Surfers Point at sunset, when the sun disappears down in the Ocean the sky simply changes its colors thousand of times with a mix of red, yellow and orange among the dense clouds.

Isn’t it a dream come true?
Bushes all around, unbelievable routes with no one else crossing by
and a magnificent landscape by the sea or in land.

And during the day, the time just fly simply visiting all the wineries, the cheese farms, chocolate farm, jam farms… all natural products from this area, but the best is of course the free wine tasting!!!

This land is very calm and that’s why at night there is nothing to do and none in the street after 09pm.. Which is a bit strange for a Spanish resident.. But believe me, with all the things that you have to check out during the day, you will be so satisfied that to go to sleep early will be a pleasure!

Monday, January 11, 2010


GREAT BARRIER REEF, the 7th wonder of the World

The Great Barrier Reef is the only “lively” thing that could be seen from the space, is longer than the Great Wall of China and is the 7th Wonder of the World… If you do not believe in these things, you’d better checked them out!

I have taken a sailing boat of 52 feet with just 11 people on board and - apart from the
thunderstorm during all the night and the 3 meters high waves - it has been an amazing experience that I definitively recommend.

It takes about 3 hours and ½ to get out ot the Reef from Cairns and we were snorkeling in different spots such as the 360 and the Lagoon, if you have ever seen one of those postcards with the dark blue Ocean and suddenly some light blue and green spots.. There you go, you are on a reef!

The ecosystem is extremely fragile and that’s why tourism is controlled and everyone has to pay a 20AUS $ tax. The Reef was proclaimed a national park in 1979 and is now center of interest of scientists, tourists, divers and enthusiasts.

There is a wonderland down there: corals of every single shape and color, huge big claims that open and close while you are passing over them, big fishes of all the imaginable colors and dimensions …and Nemo!!!!
While there, take care to stick the to rules that allow this magic underwater world to survive and just enjoy your private space, the feeling to be alone in the big ocean, the silence and the magician of all this wild wonderland.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The beautiful BYRON BAY

I am trying to find some words to describe Byron Bay…
honestly I cannot close it into just one.

It is simply incredible… vibrant…. amazing…

If I can describe it with some adjectives…I can tell you few sensations:

- the beautiful tan bodies of the surfers!
- walking barefoot everywhere
- smiles, food and wet boards after surfing
- surfing the waves during Christmas Day
- the beaches… kilometers with no one apart from you and your shade
- why everyone is blonde here????
- the sound of the brilliant white sand, soft like talco powder
- the lighthouse and the magnificent view from the top
- the beautiful light and the color of the sky at the sunset
- amazing running in the early morning with just the sound of the Ocean
- the little shops in the center

… but most of all… EASY!!!!

I found my Byron and… I like it!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

SYDNEY...the best city in the World???

Is there any other place in the World better than Sydney?

I've had the great chance to stay in a friend’s house (wonderful…by the way…a penthouse just on Homebush Bay…) and I was taking the ferry to get to the city center… So the first thing that I have seen of Sydney has been the famous bridge and the magnificent Opera House… this is unreal!

Everything is SO organized, everywhere is SO clean, everyone is SO nice and helpful, you cannot even stop somewhere to look at the map of the city that suddenly an “Aussy” come to you to ask if you need any help! Isn’t that lovely?

For me it has been love at first sight… I wouldn’t mind living in Sydney… really!
The sky is always blue and the temperature is warm and dry with on average 30º in summer time which in the Southern hemisphere has just started!

Every single area of the city has got something magic, in between modern and old style, with always something fascinating to be discovered in each single corner of the streets. Either if you walk in Oxford Street or in George Street, you feel like a little kid enjoying a new toy…

The little bars and the antique houses of my favourite area - Paddington - is very special during the happy-hour time which starts around 5pm, when the elegant workers end their day at the office and go out for a drink.
And than Newtown, Kings Cross, Woolloomooloo, Balmain... each area with a proper vibe, a proper WHY to stay there and enjoy your free time... after a long long day walking around is so nice to sit down and have a glass of fresh good white wine!

Moving by ferry around the river, you can reach the different surroundings of Sydney, with very posh areas and beautiful villas or very nice beaches such as Manly Beach, Watson Bay or Double Bay, just 40 minutes from the city center but with a very good vibe.

And then, at just 20 minutes by bus there is one of the best spots of Sydney… the very famous Bondi beach… where everyone is good looking, with amazing sculptured bodies and very handsome boys and girls just hanging out on the beach or drinking some bears on the grass just behind the beach and waiting for the right wave to surf.
And at night, everywhere is like a golden party… girls wearing luxuries dresses and very high heels ready to start their night or even their lunch.. But always with the right conjunction… make up + dress + high heels… this is a pass partout!

The view of the main harbor changes completely during the night, with an explosion of lights that illuminate the bay and the water, always with the magnificent overview of the illuminated Opera House and the Sydney Bridge.. With that nice breeze that keeps the bodies and souls chill all night long.

So, after having experienced Sydney and having falling in love with city at the very first sight… what’s up next????

I'm excited to discover it! :)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

The magician of Central Australia

ULURU (Ayers Rock) & Kings Canyon

When landing in Alice Springs, the nearest town to the Red Desert, the first thing that you would probably notice is the hot temperature and of course the different landscape… really feeling to be in a desert area!

I took a 3 days trip from Alice Spring to Uluru and return, and I’ve had the great opportunity to get into a very nice group with people from all over the World and of course with the best guides ever!

We left Alice Spring at 6am as the hot sun rises very early and you have to be prepared to the hot temperature along the 6h bus trip to Ayers Rock. What I liked most has been the “easy going” life and the great feeling among the group.

The sunset at Uluru has been absolutely amazing, the red of the sky mixed with the red of the rocks and surrounded by the blue of the sky getting darker and darker until the fool moon and the millions of start have come through.

The early wake up when the night is still on have been an amazing occasion to see the sun rise from behind the land… and to have the chance to hike among the Kings Canyon or walk around the ancient rocks of Uluru watching the painting of the Aborigens before getting back to the camp site with a tremendous hot sun!

We slept outside all together in a circle just close to the bone fire, listening to the animals and watching out the dingo coming over for some food… and the kangaroos jumping around in the bush and under a cover of stars all over!
Chill out with some beers in the outside camping place and trying the tail of a kangaroo (yack!!!) have completed the adventure… another experience that I will never forget!

Thanks Uluru and all the fantastic people that I've met there!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

FIJI… who said Paradise?

In one word? Impossible…

Fiji is the real paradise… 336 islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, one of that places to be once in your life, a place to be in your personal list of the “100 things to do before I die!”.

Fijian are SO NICE... Always smiling, dancing, singing, helping… they really know how to enjoy life and you understand how as soon as landing in Nadi, the mainland.

The smell of the nature, the green of the palm trees and the forests together with the amazing light and dark blue of the water … and of course the bright white of the sand…. A perfect mix to make you feel staying inside a postcard!
But this is not a piece of paper, this is reality!
Snorkeling among hundreds of fully colored fishes, blue star fishes, amazing shells and reaching a white sandy line right in the middle of the Ocean, just reachable swimming and sailing. Look around you: in 360º… just crystal water!

Of course there is also time for a good surfing day: yes, also in Fiji there are good spots and good waves to catch, easy going like the lifestyle of the Fijian.

And fire-bones in the night, right on the beach, together with people from all over the World,
united to celebrate another great day in this paradise!

A place to be, a play to enjoy, a place I will remember forever!